Selasa, 01 Desember 2015

Delinquency source for Teens

The family is the first social environment that gives enormous influence to the growth of adolescents. Ideally adolescent development will be optimal if they are in harmony with his family, so that the various needs that needed to be met.

In the reality of everyday life is not all families can meet the description of an ideal family. Changes in social, economic and cultural society today will greatly affect the life of a family. Parents are busy with work in the office until late at night without thinking of the child will affect the psyche of a child. This condition will cause the communication and interaction among family members becomes less intense. Family relationships are strong and tight initially, tend to loose and crumbly. Career ambition and material that are not controlled, has disrupted interpersonal relationships within the family.

In relation to adolescent problems, obstacles adolescent development towards maturity is determined by factors that affect a child in a child in the household environment and society. If an individual in childhood undergone many obstacles of life and failure can cause abnormalities in the form of bizarre behavior such as delinquency which if uncontrolled can be plunged into negative actions, such as drinking (alcohol), drugs, etc. ,

Actually, there are a number of factors that lead to teenagers behave bad (rogue), namely: Peers, Environment, authoritarian parenting, danPengaruh film and TV. From these factors the highest percentage is the influence of the environment is very influential and authoritarian parenting old man in connection with it, according to the teenager carried out several measures to prevent juvenile delinquency, namely: Exemplary parents, Discipline in the family, religious education in the family , Maintaining a warm social relations within the family.

Therefore advised parents to equip their children with faith, discipline and responsibility far more valuable than the treasures alone all that it takes sacrifice, but when it is given with heartfelt sacrifice would be beneficial for children.

Overcoming delinquency things that can be done to cope with juvenile delinquency:
Failure to achieve the role of identity and lack of self-control can be prevented or overcome by the principles of exemplary. Teenagers should be able to get as much as possible the figure of adults who have outgrown adolescence well also those who managed to repair themselves after a previously failed at this stage.
The motivation of families, teachers, peers to do the first point.
The willingness of parents to improve family circumstances so as to create a harmonious family, communicative, and convenient for teens. Teens good at choosing friends and good environment as well as the parents give direction with whom and in communities where teens have to get along. Juvenile form of self resilience that are not easily affected if it turns out peers or community that is not in line with expectations.

In my opinion: Factors of parents are very influential in the growth process of children. Both physically and mentally. To keep children from negatf things that we do not want the parents should need extra tight guard their children, so that is not affected by the increasingly uncontrolled association. And also as a teenager, we should be responsible for what happens to the development of juvenile delinquency that has been of concern at this time. Therefore, as one form of implementation of these responsibilities to juvenile delinquency is to make every effort to be a good teenager.

(Falih Mu'izzuddin Amanullah)
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